Monday, March 16, 2009

Of the sick funk and two-for-one-beers...

Made it to Nashville yesterday around 1:45 to collect my better half. Got to the hotel finally and checked in only to find our room directly over the War Memorial plaza. Within 5 minutes of checking in, standing on our balcony smoking, we caught Ryan wandering up the street, signing stuff and taking pictures and making general niceties with everyone who approached him. Atta boy. He seemed in a good mood, and we hoped it was a sign of bright things ahead for the night. Got settled and changed and wandered over to the hotel across the street to meet up with some new gals, Jen and Angie (still jealous of their awesome button down shirts, which we have yet to acquire), grabbed a quick dinner of fries and beer and headed over to stand in line. We had the distinct honor of sharing our line time with a Vince Vaughn Swingers-era wannabe, complete with the tag line "It's so money..." As we were waiting, Brandon from the Archive (the official setlist updater, via his blog at met up with us. The line moved in pretty quick once the doors opened, and we made our way as close to the front as possible, so as to accomodate my pocket-sized self. Just so happened that we were standing in the crowd with some fellow on-liners from the Archive (Francesca, Susan, and the one who's name I never was so much fun to catch that show with you!). The show started, and Ryan was in an obvious good mood. Almost three hours and thirty three songs of sugary, jammy goodness later, we parted ways with our comrades and ended our night at a sportsbar a cab ride away from the venue. By this time, it was after midnight, I'd had too many cigarettes, and my sinuses felt like they were stuffed with cotton. Four rum and cokes, seven two-for-one Bud Lights, and a pack of gum later, we were done. Stick a fork in us.
I won't even attempt to dissect this setlist, as I think it speaks for itself. And holy camel toe, encore! Look at that! A perfect show in a perfect spot in the crowd to be able to take it all in, regardless of being almost suffocated by the two Amazon twins standing in front of me. Credit to Brandon for part of the commentary that I thought befitting.
War Memorial
1. I See Monsters
2. Fix It
3. Everybody Knows
4. Crossed Out Name
5. Come Pick Me Up
6. Cobwebs
7. Two
8. Freeway to the Canyon
9. Same Shirt as Me (improv)
10. Beautiful Sorta
11. Let it Ride
12. Natural Ghost
13. Grand Island
14. Band Intros
15. Born into a Light
16. Stars go Blue (super mellow version)
17. Evening Joke w/ Graboff
18. Goodnight Rose
19. Lost Satelite
20. Rescue Blues
21. Oh My God, Whatever, Etc. (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
22. The Sun Also Sets
23. Why Do They Leave
24. Bartering Lines
25. Shakedown on 9th Street
26. A Kiss Before I Go
27. Magick
Off: 11:42pm est
ON: 11:44pm est
Set 2
28. Wonderwall
29. Sink Ships
30. Cold Roses
31. Mockingbird>
32. Dear Chicago
33. This is It (dear Jebus! I had to let out a serious collective sigh after this one)

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